Schedule an Appointment:

Please choose the category below to request an appointment. We are closed on Fridays and Sundays.

Email or TEXT (425-822-0717) if you have any questions. If you can’t find an appointment time that works for you, we will fit you in!

Rental Instruments: We no longer rent Full Size (4/4) Cellos. We do have many Full Size Cellos for purchase. We have most other sizes of Violin, Viola, Cello in stock for rent.

Repair, Appraisal of Your Instrument: If you need an appraisal or work on an instrument or bow purchase at another shop, email Henry for an appointment. Please include pictures of your instrument and bow and your phone number. Read instructions here.

Customer Feedback:

"Henry is the real deal for anything regarding violins. He has rentals for students, whether they are for school year or private lessons. He does repairs and is a wealth of information if needed regarding your instrument." - Sara S